JINPAT Capsule Slip Rings Multi-Functional Slip Ring Series

JINPAT Capsule slip rings are the series with the smallest size, meantime, they have the largest annual production volume. And according to the diameter, the series can be further divided into 3 groups, medium size LPC capsule slip rings (diameter above 20mm), mini size LPM miniature slip rings (diameter between 12.5~20mm) and super mini size LPMS super miniature slip ring (diameter less than 10mm). There are approximately three hundred models in this compact size series. For their great adaptability, they can be installed in many electromechanical systems and the capsule slip rings are highly versatile.

Let’s begin with our smallest slip ring models, LPMS-05D and LPMS-08D, their diameter is the same, 5.5mm, with a total weight no more than 10g. They are the slip ring models with the smallest diameter and the lightest weight. Their annual production volume exceeds 10 thousand pieces. And these super miniature slip rings are adaptable for various application end. Some college students and research experts tend to install these slip rings on some testing equipment. Of course, the two mini-size slip rings are mostly applied in commercial electronic devices.

JINPAT LPM miniature slip ring is slightly larger than the LPMS super miniature slip ring. And with a larger volume, the LPM slip ring can integrate 30 channels at max. The slip ring models of this branch tend to have a diameter between 12.5mm and 16mm. Similar to the former mentioned slip rings, the LPM-18 series, with 18 channels, has a relatively large production volume. JINPT miniature slip rings can be installed in total station, photoelectric pod and other precision optical equipment. And some high end medical devices also need electrical slip ring with compact size and excellent electronic performance.

And the LPC capsule slip ring series is a collection of slip ring with diameter above 20mm. And the most popular model is also with 18 channels, the LPC-18 branch. They are electrical slip rings that can fit in various electronic devices. A typical case is the application on surveillance camera that oversees the factories and schools.

And among JINPAT capsule slip rings, there are many models with over 30 channels. For the number of channels, they have, they can be installed in automated production machines. And since the production volume reduces as the channel numbers increase, JINPAT LPC-56 has less application case. This capsule slip ring model can be installed in automated production machines and also photoelectric pods and radar systems.

As small size electrical slip ring, the compact size slip rings can be applied in thousands of different applications. JINPAT Electronics, with over 20 years of experience in the industry, has put great efforts in enhancing the slip ring series. And we offer customization to help our slip ring products better satisfy different requirements.