JINPAT Electronics Product Testing Center, Safeguard for High Quality Slip Rings

In today’s competitive market, quality stands front while comparing various products. And JINPAT Electronics, as a professional slip ring producer, has always kept product quality as one of our key values. And because of our devotion to enhancing product quality, JINPAT Electronics has earned a good reputation in the slip ring industry internationally.

Behind JINPAT’s high product quality, there is a systematic testing and inspection mechanism. JINPAT Electronics has a testing center that ensure our slip ring products bring out the A games right from design to delivery. JINPAT Testing Center takes up a large scale and out beats many peers. The JINPAT Testing Center consist of two parts: one is slip ring life span testing chamber, the other is for product environment adaptability tests. The center takes up a land over 1000 m^2 with over 500 pieces of testing equipment.

Most of the newly developed slip ring models have to go through life span testing after adopting a different type of materials and structures. After running few tests, there are detailed data of the life span of each slip ring. Some long life span slip ring has to run a test over a year. Some random sample of slip rings are tested for their service life span. JINPAT Testing Center can accommodate over 500 pieces of slip rings and rotary joints. And such testing capacity is peerless in the industry.

JINPAT runs the life span tests in the most original way in order to simulate the actual application conditions of the slip rings and therefore makes the data more trustworthy and reliable. With years of down-to-earn testing and upgrading, JINPAT slip rings excel in structure, material and product performance.

Aside from life span testing, JINPAT Electronics also pay attention to simulate extreme environment to see how our slip ring products perform. We have extreme temperature simulator, salt spray simulator and vibration simulator, etc. Among these devices, JINPAT has over 15 high-low temperature chambers that provide extreme temperature impact testing that covers -100 to 300 degree centigrade.

In short, JINPAT Electronics remains devoted to the slip ring manufacturing and the hard work pays off. Contact JINPAT Electronics for better slip ring solutions and products.
