JINPAT Slip Ring Product Testing Scheme

As a device for rotating conduction and transmitting electrical signals, the conductive slip ring, although structurally relatively simple, requires a series of standards to regulate various operations during raw material procurement, manufacturing, and other processes to ensure its operational stability. After the conductive slip ring is manufactured into a finished product, it also undergoes multiple rounds of inspections. JINPAT, as an experienced international manufacturer of conductive slip rings, has developed a unique and distinctive product testing process.Apart from basic appearance checks, in terms of mechanics and electronics,JINPAT has many unique product testing schemes.


Take mechanical performance as an example.To verify whether a conductive slip ring meets the design criteria, JINPAT places multiple samples on the JINPAT lifespan test bench. Under powered conditions, the slip rings undergo lifespan tests at ultra-high intensities,running continuously for twenty-four hours a day. For example, the LPC-0210designed by JINPAT with a lifespan of over 100 million rotations, even though the client’s required speed is only 300rpm, JINPAT increases the speed to1200rpm on the test bench to quickly determine its total lifespan, thusobtaining accurate lifespan data in a shorter time. For first-piece products or new structure conductive slip rings, this testing method is particularly stringent.


Excellent mechanical quality conductive slip rings also require excellent electrical performance to be considered a perfect product. Electrical performance also needs to be determined through testing. For instance, on JINPAT’s lifespan test bench, the electrical parameters of the products are recorded at regular intervals. Different types of conductive slip rings have slightly different electrical parameters. When one or more of these parameters exceed the design values, its lifespan limit can be determined based on these parameters.


According to industry regulations for conductive slip rings and standards related to the design lifespan of electrical products, professional manufacturers like JINPAT generally inspect the insulation resistance, dynamic contact resistance, contact resistance fluctuation value, and isolation degree of the conductive slip rings one by one.

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